Mammootty Mamangam trailer released on November 2nd 2019. Mamangam is directed by M. Padmakumar and based on the Mamankam festival held back in the 18th century on the banks of Bharathapuzha. The movie will feature the Mammootty, Unni Mukundan, Achuthan B Nair, Prachi Tehlan, Anu Sithara, Kaniha and Sudev Nair.
Mamangam is the one of the biggest budget movies ever made in Malayalam. Mamangam shot in Malayalam and dubbed into Tamil, Telugu and Hindi.
Presenting you the Official Trailer Of Mamangam. Directed By M Padmakumar
Trailer Cut: Don Max,
Lahari Music | T-Series
Directed By : M Padmakumar
Produced By : Venu Kunnappilly
Adapted Screenplay & Dialogues : Shankar Ramakrishnan
DOP : Manoj Pillai
Action : Sham Kaushal
VFX : RC Kamalakannan
Music : M Jayachandran
Background Score : Sanchit Balhara & Ankit Balhara
Editor : Raja Mohammed
Production Designer : Mohandas
Sound Design : PM Satheesh, Manoj M Goswami
Executive Producers : Vivek Ramadevan, Ayjo Antony
Costume : SB Satheesan
Makeup : Roshan NG
Lyrics : Rafeeq Ahmed, Ajay Gopal
Line Producer : Meera Thalakottur
Production Controller : Dixon Poduthas
Finance Controller : Gopakumar GK
Co Directors : Siraj Kalla, K J Vinayan
Asso Director : Ullas Krishna
Production Cordinator : K Radhakrishnan
Colorist : Ken Metzker
Stills : Sreenath N Unnikrishnan
Design : Oldmonks