Food & Travel

Recipe To 4 Must Have Healthy Drinks

Liquid intake is very important in our daily routine life. Apart from water, here are few healthy drinks which are good anytime and anywhere – Be it summer or winter. Also, good for children. Here are recipes of few healthy drinks which are very easy to prepare.

Green gram and coconut milk drink


  • Grated coconut: 1 cup
  • Fried green gram: 1 cup
  • Jaggery: ¼ cup

Make fine powder of fried green gram. To this add grated coconut, water, jaggery and grind. Add few ice cubes. Your healthy drink is ready.

Note: The above recipe can also be used for horse gram.

Watermelon and lime drink


  • Watermelon chopped: 2 cup
  • Lemon: ½
  • Sugar: ¼ cup

Add a watermelon (chopped) and sugar with bit of water to the mixer jar. Soak the juice. Take the serving glass, add the juice and also mix lime juice. Add few ice cubes. Healthy drink is ready.

Tender coconut, Pomegranate and Apple fruit drink


  • Tender coconut water: 2 cup
  • Sugar: ¼ cup (according to taste required)
  • Poppy seeds: 1 table spoon
  • Pomegranate, Apple and few dry grapes finely paste: 4 table spoon

Add poppy seeds and sugar to tender coconut water and Pomegranate, Apple and few dry grapes finely paste. Mix them all. Also, if required, add few drops of lime juice and ice cubes.

Sugarcane juice with apple fruit drink


  • Sugar cane juice: 2 cup
  • Ginger: ½ inch
  • Mint leaves (5-10)
  • Apple few chopped pieces
  • Lime juice: 2 spoons

Add chopped apple, ginger with mint leaves and grind them into fine paste. Add lime juice and fine paste to sugarcane juice with few ice cubes. Healthy drink is ready.

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